The Best Kept Secret: Painter’s Tape!

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That’s right.. Painter’s tape. Nine creative ways for your child to play, discover, & learn!


1. Animal Parade (shown here): gather any and every figurine from your house- our parade included Frozen 2 characters alongside farm animals- and line them up for a giant "parade." Blare some awesome tunes- we chose some Mickey Mouse Club parade music (thank you, Spotify)- and call it a day!  

2. Tic-Tac-Toe: use bean bags, balls, dirty socks (hehe), anything for the X's and O's. 

3. Sorting: tape a plus sign (+) on a table or the ground and sort coins, toys of differing colors, objects of differing shapes, toys of different sizes- the possibilities are really endless here. PLUS great pre-kindergarten skills :-)

4. Hopscotch: think chalk outside on the driveway, but indoors (and way less messy!) 

5. Draw on the wall: using the painter's tape, tape a piece of paper to the wall and have your child draw on the paper. Tip: use crayons and/or a larger piece of paper.

6. Balance beam: tape on the ground in a straight line and try to keep your balance on the line. Bonus: grab a straw and a puff ball and blow the ball through the straw. Try to keep the ball on the line

7. Lines on the ground: Make the lines horizontal: jump forward, jump backward, jump with one foot, lay down and see how tall you are

8. Hot lava: a classic!! make outlines of shapes on the ground. Tell your child the shapes are the safe spots and the rest of the ground is hot lava!

9. Car tracks & parking lot: Use the painter’s tape to make a car track and parking spot for their hot wheel cars. 

What’s your favorite way to use painter’s tape with your kids?


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